
Friday, February 19, 2010

The Skinny Drawstring Bag

I finally got my day off yesterday. It is the first day I have been able to touch my sewing machine in probaby at least two weeks. I rethreaded it for the hundredth time and it has finally stopped telling me it was threaded improperly. I made a drawstring bag that I hope to debut in my etsy shop sometime in the near future. I think the next one I make I will change the dimensions somewhat. This bag I made thinking it would be great for a small project bag for crochet or knit or other crafty things, but after creating it I also found it to be a great size for all those little kid things that get hung under the sofa. This bag would be perfect for the boys' Bakugan cards and brawlers.... or if you have a girl Polly Pockets or doll clothes.

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