
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Presenting the Noah's Ark

This week has been one hectic week. It started off with lots of excitement as my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital for pre-term labor at 34 weeks. Even though the baby is now weighing about 5 lbs. they want his lungs to have more time to mature. They did manage to get her labor stopped and they sent her home telling her it should be at least 2 weeks before she goes back into labor, but hopefully it will be 4 weeks. That night I woke up incredibly sick and it has taken me the past 3 days to get back to some resemblance of normal, but thankfully I'm feeling much better now.

Considering now that my little nephew has now tried to make his appearance and the fact that my sister-in-law's baby shower is next week I decided to finally add the finishing touches on her baby gift. Lots of pics to follow! I hope she loves it. :-)

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