
Friday, February 5, 2010

It's A.......

Yesterday was such a packed day that I didn't have time to post until it was late, and by then I frankly didn't feel like getting the computer out. I worked out in the morning and that afternoon I got to go to my sister-in-law's OB appointment for her big ultrasound which was pretty exciting.

Along with my nephew who is due next month, I am going to have a NIECE in June!

We ended up at the OB office for 3 hours! There was no one there because the weather was nasty here, and the doctor still made her wait for 2 hours before seeing her! When he came in he spent a whole 3 minutes in there after all that time. I was not impressed with this place at all.

I also broke down and took Bessie apart. She had me to the point of wanting to swear and I don't do that, so I said enough is enough. I will get around to working that out later, but hopefully I can get around to sewing a little over the weekend. All the projects are piling up and it's starting to get under my skin. I now have to add another baby blanket to the list since I know she is having a little girl now.

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