
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Changes... They are a coming!

Bessie (the embroidery unit on my otherwise sweet little Singer) and I have been fighting for two days. I haven't quite figured out what it is she wants from me. I bought the tear-away stabilizer and now I'm having a thread breakage problem, so I'm going to do my homework and break out the "Embroidery Tips" disc that came with the machine later and see if I can learn anything. For some reason I can't resist the urge to sing "I'm Not Givin' Up" by Gold City every time I sit down at the desk. I think the next thing I'll try is changing the needle. I'm going to resist the urge to remove the embroidery unit until I have conquered this!

For those of you who have been watching my Etsy shop I have some big changes coming. I think I'm going to completely revamp my shop. I have ideas for several new items that will be of interest to all you crafters out there! Now I just have to find the time to make up some inventory. Keep your eyes peeled for the unveiling of new handmade items!!!

In family news, I get to go with my other sister-in-law tomorrow to her OB appointment for her ultrasound! Did I mention I'm going to be an aunt twice this year?? I think she is having a girl. We'll find out tomorrow, but if it is then I'll have a nephew and a niece within 3 months of each other. I just love babies! Why do they have to grow up so stinkin' fast?

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