
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wild & Wonderful Origami Book Review

My 6-year-old son has had a mild obsession with origami since we checked some books out from the library a while back.  The library books were a huge fail as they were very confusing directions for us.  Having never attempted origami I needed some pictures that showed more step-by-step instead of just a bunch of arrows and words.  When little man saw this book in the store he begged me to buy it so we could give it another shot.  Having a 40% off coupon I gave in.

First off, this book comes with 50 pages of origami paper that is already colored and with faces, etc. for the animals to be made in this book which made this more fun for them, so I give the book an A+ on that front!

The pictures in the book are MUCH more helpful than the ones I experienced from the library books.  They have a difficulty level grade at the top of each project page, too, which helped.  We started with the lowest level possible.

Even though the instructions were much easier to follow my little man was still too overwhelmed to try them on his own, so he had me make some for him.  I think tomorrow I will have him try with me.  He was so excited about the little animals that we made today that he carried them to his grandma's to show them off.

I think this book did a lot of things right in making origami more attainable to the inexperienced, and to children.  Depending on the age of your child, though, this may not be a craft you can just sit your child down with for independent play.  It would make a good family bonding experience, though.  Little man has already made requests for what he wants us to make tomorrow.  I think we will get our money's worth out of this book.


  1. How cute! I tried Origami once and I failed at it! This looks pretty easy though!! Thanks for dropping by my blog! I am now following you:)


  2. Participating in the GFC Blog Hop for the first time! I'm your newest follower. :)


    1. Glad to have you! I am already a follower of yours. :)

  3. Thanks so much for following Carole's Chatter. Have a great week.

  4. Wow what a helpful review. I always get frustrated when the kids and I plan to do a project and it turns out to be to difficult for me let alone them. I love that this has age range on it.Thanks

    1. We tried again another one of the easy level ones the next day and he did it himself with me looking on and just guiding him slightly. :)

  5. O, what a great recommendation! We have Complete Origami by Eric Kenneway, which has lots of projects, but is a little text heavy and complicated. Very glad to have discovered your beautiful blog :)

  6. These Origami look so cute Misty! That book looks perfect for beginners too, might try and find it online and give it a try with Miss K xxx

    1. It is much easier than other origami books we have looked at. The paper is cute, too so that is a big plus! Going into the first library book experience with origami we didn't realize you needed special paper for origami. Shows what I know. haha
